Thursday 11 October 2012

Cardiovascular System

The heart, blood vessels, and blood comprise your cardiovascular system. Blood (shown in red) moving from heart delivers oxygen and nutrients to every part of the body. On the return trip, the blood (shown in blue) picks up waste products so that your body can get rid of them.

Your heart is a muscle about the size of a clenched fist. It contracts and relaxes about 70 times a minute at rest (more if you are exercising), beats about 30,000,000 times a year, and pumps about 4,000 gallons of blood daily through its chambers to all parts of the body. Your blood travels through a rubbery collection of big and small vessels. If strung together end to end, they can stretch 60,000 miles (enough to circle the globe 2 1/2 times)!

As you inhale, air is sent down to your lungs. Blood is pumped from the heart through the pulmonary artery to your lungs where carbon dioxide is removed from it and oxygen is mixed in with it. The oxygenated blood is carried back to the heart through the pulmonary vein. The arteries carry blood away from your heart under high pressure to smaller and smaller branched tubes called capillaries. This delivers oxygen to all the cells in your body including bones, skin, and all organs. Veins bring oxygen-depleted blood back to the heart.

Your blood is mostly comprised of a colorless liquid called plasma. Red blood cells (which give blood its red appearance) deliver oxygen to cells and carry back waste gases in exchange. White blood cells attack and kill germs and Platelets cells help your body repair itself after injury.

Your cardiovascular system is a beautiful symphony which sustains your life. Often it is taken for granted and little is done to ensure its long-term performance. Lack of preventive care will transform your cardiovascular system into a time bomb.

Cardiovascular Disorders

In 2004, cardiovascular diseases claimed 869,724 lives in the United States (36.3% of all deaths). 148,000 lives belonged to Americans under 65. According to 2005 estimates from the American Heart Association, 80,700,000 people in the United States have one or more forms of cardiovascular disease:

1) High Blood Pressure - 73,000,000

High blood pressure puts added force against the artery walls which overtime damages the arteries making them more vulnerable to the narrowing and plaque build up associated with atherosclerosis.

2) Coronary Heart Disease (caused by atherosclerosis, the narrowing of the coronary arteries due to fatty buildups of plaque which blocks the flow of blood to heart muscle thus depriving the heart of oxygen. It is likely to cause Chest Pain and / or Heart Attack) - 16,000,000

Myocardial Infraction (acute heart attack occurs when a clot or spasm blocks an already narrowed coronary artery, restricting oxygen to a portion of heart muscle resulting in permanent injury) - 8,100,000

Angina Pectoris (chest pain or discomfort caused by reduced blood supply to the heart muscle) - 9,100,000

An estimated 1,200,000 Americans will have a new or recurrent coronary attack this year, and about 310,000 will die as a result.

3) Stroke (occurs when a blood vessel in the brain is blocked or bursts) - 5,800,000

Without blood and the oxygen it carries, part of the brain starts to die and the part of the body controlled by the damaged area of the brain won't work properly.

Brain damage can begin within minutes of a stroke.

4) Heart Failure (the heart does not pump as well as it should) - 5,300,000

About 550,000 people are diagnosed with heart failure each year.

It is the leading cause of hospitalization in people older than 65.

5) Arrhythmia (Abnormal Heart Rhythm) - more than 850,000 Americans are hospitalized for an Arrhythmia each year. It is caused by many factors including:

Coronary Heart Disease

Electrolyte imbalance in your blood (such as sodium or potassium)

Changes in your heart muscle

Injury from a heart attack

Healing process after heart surgery

6) Aortic Aneurysm (bulge in a section of the aorta which can burst causing serious bleeding which can lead to death within minutes) - approximately 176,000 Americans are affected annually leading to 15,000 deaths per year.

Medical problems such as high blood pressure and atherosclerosis weakening artery walls as well as wear and tear that occurs with aging can result in outward bulging of the aortic wall.

The slower flow of blood in the bulging area can cause clots to form. If a blood clots breaks off in the chest area, it can travel to the brain and cause a stroke. If blood clots break off in the belly area, they can block blood flow to the belly or legs.

cardiovascular disease Risk Factors

Risk Factors

As of 2006, 51% of men and 40% of women at age 50 in the United States will develop cardiovascular disease during their lifetime. The primary determinants of risk are:

Smoking - Smokers' risk of developing coronary heart disease is 2–4 times that of nonsmokers. Cigarette smoking also acts with other risk factors to greatly increase the risk for coronary heart disease.

High Cholesterol - As blood cholesterol rises, so does risk of coronary heart disease. When other risk factors (such as high blood pressure and tobacco smoke) are present, this risk increases even more. A person's cholesterol level is also affected by age, sex, heredity and diet.

High Blood Pressure - High blood pressure increases the heart's workload, causing the heart to thicken and become stiffer. It also increases your risk of stroke, heart attack, kidney failure, and congestive heart failure. When high blood pressure exists with obesity, smoking, high blood cholesterol levels or diabetes, the risk of heart attack and stroke increases several times.

Physical Inactivity - An inactive lifestyle is a risk factor for coronary heart disease. Regular, moderate-to-vigorous physical activity helps prevent heart and blood vessel disease. The more vigorous the activity, the greater your benefits. However, even moderate-intensity activities help if done regularly and long term. Physical activity can help control blood cholesterol, diabetes and obesity, as well as help lower blood pressure.

Obesity / Excess Weight - People who have excess body fat (especially if a lot of it is on the waist) are more likely to develop heart disease and stroke even if they have no other risk factors. Excess weight increases the heart's work. It also raises blood pressure and blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and lowers HDL ("good") cholesterol levels. Diabetes is more likely to develop. By losing even as few as 10 pounds, you can lower your heart disease risk.

Diabetes Mellitus - Diabetes seriously increases your risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Even when glucose (blood sugar) levels are under control, diabetes increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. The risks are even greater if blood sugar is not well controlled. Roughly 67% of men and 57% of women with diabetes at age 50 will develop cardiovascular disease by age 75. About three-quarters of diabetics die of some form of heart or blood vessel disease. If you have diabetes, it's extremely important to work with your healthcare provider to manage it and control any other risk factors you can.

Stress - Individual response to stress may be a contributing factor. Some scientists have noted a relationship between coronary heart disease risk and stress in a person's life, their health behavior, and socioeconomic status. These factors may affect established risk factors. For example, people under stress tend to overeat, smoke more, and increase alcohol consumption.

Alcohol - Drinking too much alcohol can raise blood pressure, cause heart failure, and lead to stroke. It can contribute to high triglycerides, cancer and other diseases, and produce irregular heartbeat. It contributes to obesity, alcoholism, suicide, and accidents. However the risk of heart disease in people who drink moderate amounts of alcohol (an average of one drink for women or two drinks for men per day) is lower than in nondrinkers. One drink is defined as 1-1/2 fluid ounces (floz) of 80-proof spirits (such as bourbon, Scotch, vodka, gin, etc.), 1 floz of 100-proof spirits, 4 floz of wine or 12 floz of beer. It is not recommended that nondrinkers start using alcohol or that drinkers increase the amount they drink to lower risk of cardiovascular disease.

If you reach the age of 50 with none of the above risk factors, the lifetime risk of cardiovascular disease is just 5% for men and 8% for women. There is a good chance the you will live into your 90s.

If the age of 50 is reached with two or more risk factors, then lifetime risk of cardiovascular disease jumps to 69% for men and 50% for women. The median survival rate for men and women with two risk factors is a decade shorter than the ones with none.

Cardiovascular Symptoms


The following symptoms are indicative of various cardiovascular diseases:

A "cold foot" or a black or blue painful toe - Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

A pulsating sensation in the abdomen - Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

Back pain - Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm

Blood in the urine - High Blood Pressure

Cough or shortness of breath - Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm

Cough that produces white mucus - Heart Failure

Deep and aching or throbbing chest pain - Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm

Difficulty or pain while swallowing - Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm

Discomfort in shoulders, arms, neck, throat, jaw, or back - Angina

Discomfort radiating to the back, jaw, throat, or arm - Heart Attack

Discomfort, heaviness, pressure, aching, burning, fullness, squeezing, or painful feeling in chest (it might be mistaken for indigestion or heartburn) - Angina, Heart Attack, Arrhythmias, Heart Failure, High Blood Pressure

Extreme drop in blood pressure - Burst Aortic Aneurysm

Faster Heartbeat - Heart Attack

Fatigue or Confusion - High Blood Pressure, Stroke

Fever or weight loss - Abdominal or Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm

Hoarseness - Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm

Numbness, weakness, or paralysis of the face, arm, or leg, typically on one side of the body - Stroke

Pain in the chest, abdomen, or lower back, possibly spreading to the groin, buttocks, or legs - Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

Palpitations (irregular heart beats, skipped beats or a "flip-flop" feeling in your chest, or feeling that heart is "running away") - Heart Attack, Arrhythmias, Heart Failure, High Blood Pressure

Pounding in your chest - Arrhythmias

Quick Weight Gain (for example 2 or 3 pounds in one day) - Heart Failure

Severe Headache - High Blood Pressure, Stroke

Shortness of breath when lying down flat in bed - Heart Failure

Slurred or garbled speech - Stroke

Sudden, severe pain - Burst Aortic Aneurysm

Sweating, nausea, vomiting, or dizziness - Heart Attack, Heart Failure

Swelling in ankles, legs, and abdomen - Heart Failure

Trouble walking, dizziness, loss of balance or coordination - Stroke

Vision Problems - High Blood Pressure, Stroke

Weakness, dizziness, anxiety, shortness of breath - Heart Attack, Arrhythmias, Heart Failure, High Blood Pressure

The symptoms related to High Blood Pressure are for extremely high cases. Generally High Blood Pressure has no symptoms.

Face packs

Mix honey, brown sugar, cocoa powder and lemon juice and gently apply it over the face in an upward circular motion. When it begins to dry, gently scrub it on the face for two to three minutes and then wash.


Mix two tablespoons of wheat flour with a tablespoon of milk cream.
Add sufficient rosewater to make a paste and apply it on clean face and neck. Let it dry, and then wipe off with damp cloth.


Papaya just by itself is wonderful for dry skin. Just mash a slice of skinned and deseeded papaya, apply all over your face. Leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes.


World’s EGG Day

EGG is Very Good for Health.

If have Daily one egg in diet, chance to say good by to illness.

Those who are suffering from heart disease and Diabetes, they have to eat egg without yellow yolk is better.

Nutrition values in Egg

• Proteins, Vitamins, Minerals, 6% Fat

• 12 types of proteins, which repair damaged minerals in body

• 8 Types of Amino Acids which will use full to children development

• Vitamin “A” which will use full to eyes, Vitamin “B” which will use full to nerves and “D” Vitamin for musculoskeletal (bones)

• “k” Vitamin which use full in blood clot

Storage System

• Store without wash

• Keep away for Butter and Onions

• Remove from fridge before 15 minutes to use

• To boiled steel vessel are better

• After boil, pore the cold water on egg