Indian Online store Flipkart has taken investments from investors. 2.5 billion dollars were taken from 15 different investment organisations. Now Flipcart thinking about accumulate funds through loans.
Flipkart taken 700 million dollars investments in last December 2014. At that time company valuation calculated as 11.5 billion dollars.
Within four months company valuation reaches 15 billion dollars (near about 1 Lach Crore Rupees). So company directors don't want to decrease their share.
So they are going to loans. Now company wants to 600-800 million dollars as investments, and the discussions was started.
As per news it is going to accumulate 200 million dollars in first year. But Flipcart not revealed this news.
One more news is spreading about flipkart public issue (IPO) will open within 18 months.
Flipkart taken 700 million dollars investments in last December 2014. At that time company valuation calculated as 11.5 billion dollars.
Within four months company valuation reaches 15 billion dollars (near about 1 Lach Crore Rupees). So company directors don't want to decrease their share.
So they are going to loans. Now company wants to 600-800 million dollars as investments, and the discussions was started.
As per news it is going to accumulate 200 million dollars in first year. But Flipcart not revealed this news.
One more news is spreading about flipkart public issue (IPO) will open within 18 months.
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